Every Fijian does their best to teach Americans some basic phrases. They pronounce them over and over, while listening to your response. When satisfied, then your question is answered.  Hello is Bula. Goodbye is Moce. Thank you is Vinaka.

Fijians are easy going, but if you are in a village, modest clothing must be worn by women (knees covered) and no hat (only chief wears one). Most important; never, never touch a Fijian head. Failure to follow these simple rules is very insulting and has and can end in death. The last known act of cannibalism was only 120 years ago.

There is a drink called kava made from pepper plant roots, it has active psychoactive effects and numbs the tongue, also an insult to decline a kava drink. We were prepped on these as absolute customs when visiting cultural centers.

Fijian villages are comprised of homes with people of all religions, a school, a church and a convenience store.  People within each village are helped by each other.  Religions are designated in different ways; Indian’s have a red flag hoisted on a flagpole.  Muslims have their houses painted green and white. Christians have their front doors open all day.  The first person up in the morning opens the door and the last person to sleep at night shuts it.  This way the good spirits can come into their homes. 

We took an excursion to the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park.  3 buses filled with people wanting to see the rain forest. We all arrive at the same time and are instructed where the toilets are and reminded that there are none on the hike. There are 2 bathroom stalls. This was a demanding walk through the rain forest. Lots and lots of steps; some covered with moss, most wet and slippery. Hand rails were sometimes missing, scary. I had a guide in front of me who probably saved me on a number of occasions; there was a good tip in this guy’s future.  When we reached the bottom, we were treated to a cool swimming hole with a rope swing. Then we had to climb up 100 steps and a long road to get back to where buses were parked for a really good lunch before heading back.