This port city is named Taiohae, the island is Nuka Hiva, the group’s name is the Marquesas Islands, and is administrated by France. Nuka Hiva is the largest island with 2600 people. Taiohae is the capital of the entire Marquesas Islands chain. The town, respectively speaking, is a small town, but with a university. Because of southern hemisphere air current, the island is dry with frequent droughts as was the case during our visit. Several townspeople came out to welcome us with traditional music and dance. These islands comprise the only land for ~1000 miles in the vast Pacific Ocean. It took us 9 days at 18 MPH to get here. This city was used for the television show Survivor.

This is the South Pacific tropics with turquoise waters and volcanic cones piercing the sky.  Stone-carved tikis depicting Polynesian gods dot the landscape and lush groves of fruit, from mangoes to oranges to guavas.