Woke up to rain and our excursion today is a 2 hour bus ride away to the National Textile Museum, City Gallery and the Kuala Lumpur (KL) Tower. The good news is that there are only 12 of us to be herded around. The bad news is that traffic is so bad because of the rain and a bad clutch on the bus that wasn’t working well in the stop and go traffic that it takes us 3 hours to get to our destination. Now we have a problem because we have to be back to the ship by a certain time for the sail away and it’s still raining. As a group we decide to skip the KL Tower because the top half was in the clouds so we couldn’t imagine we’d see anything. That gives us an hour for the Museum and an hour for the Gallery. The ship knew we weren’t scheduled for a lunch on this excursion so they sent apples for us as a snack to hold us over until we got back (Viking really is the best). In retrospect, we should have skipped the Museum and given the Tower a try. It actually had an outside platform that would have been great for photo opts. The Museum was not much to see and neither was the City Gallery but the apples were really good!