Day 1

We selected an excursion called Bangkok at Night and we started with a 2.5 hour bus ride from our port of docking to Bangkok. First stop was to Wat Mangkon Kamalawat where we climbed stairs to see the Golden Buddha. He weighs 5.5 tons and is solid gold. We had to take off our shoes, hats and sun glasses for respect. One of our guests went back to put on his shoes and very quickly discovered his brand new Nikes were GONE; thank goodness he did have socks on because that’s how he finished his tour, in socks.

We walked the Old Markets in Chinatown and visited the Dragon Temple. We’re okay if we never see another Buddha, Temple, or mangrove tree. Then it was down a small alleyway to the Tep Bar. This place is tiny but we were the first bus and found seats on the second floor overlooking the band. Odd looking traditional instruments, but interesting to watch. We were given a selection of 4 alcoholic drinks and 2 juices.  I ordered some kind of whiskey not realizing it was whiskey, and then quickly moved on to the juice. We ordered some kind of really red juice which was ice cold and very good. We were also served a snack of Pot Thai which was served in a cylindrical vessel (10 inch high by 3 inch diameter bamboo) with chopsticks that weren’t much bigger than toothpicks. Really good but very hard to get into our mouths; actually, it was pretty funny watching the forkless, hungry people.

Now we’re headed to the massage parlor. Yes, they really do have places that only provide massages (without the happy ending, as it is called in the trade) in Bangkok. We had a choice of a 1 hour foot massage or full body massage. One of us picked the foot and the other the full body. All we can say is WOW!!  We were given phrases to have at the ready when the massages started. Rang Rang which means harder. Bau Bau, softer and Paw Paw, STOP. No one in our group ever had a massage to equal what was provided. It hurt like heck but felt good at the same time.

Next we were left to roam the city on our own. We walked through the Patpong Night Market and were pretty disappointed at the level of goods.  There were 3 or 4 long rows of vendors, all of which had the exact same stuff. Once you got through the market, you found yourself in the area with all the bars, clubs, men asking what you were looking for and girls or boys or girly boys.  These girls were probably between the ages of 15 – 22. They looked like they were wearing nothing but underwear dancing up on carousels which were positioned right by the doors so you could look in to sneak a peek.  The men on our bus all had multiple offers of pretty much everything while strolling through this area. This place only comes alive around 6pm and is open all night. We decided to move on and headed for the main streets. It was hard to believe it was a Wednesday night; people everywhere and we’re told it’s like that every night.

Day 2

Today our excursion includes the Bangkok Flower Market and a River Cruise. We start with another 2.5 hour bus ride to the city. We strolled through flower markets with stunning colors. They had bags of just petals, leis out of every kind of flower and arrangements made specifically as offerings for the Buddha’s and some for weddings. My favorite was the jasmine which was everywhere. We were warned on a number of occasions NOT to touch the flowers. If you touch, they will not last as long and must throw them away. Many of these petals do end up on our floats during the Rose Parade. All the flower workers are from Myanmar, not Thailand. We walked down to the River and boarded what they call long boats. These boats have huge 400 cubic inch V-8 engines with turbochargers turning a 16 inch diameter prop and go 40 or 50 MPH. The river banks are inundated with temple after temple after temple. The architecture is beautiful and as long as I didn’t have to go inside, I was okay with viewing.

We were then taken to a Gem Factory. There are kickbacks to the government for all purchases so we don’t have an option of not going and coincidentally, these jewelry places are never located where you can just go next door and shop. You become a prisoner in a jewelry mart with sales people attacking you one on one. Although, I have to say, this one was pretty nice and they had areas for drinking coffee and relaxing (for the men, while the women shopped).

Last stop was to the Ramada Hotel (yes, Ramada and it was awesome) for a buffet lunch that was delicious.