This website documents two Viking World cruises, each slightly more than 4 months in length. At the start of 2018, we sailed on the Viking Sun’s inaugural cruise from Los Angeles westward through the south Pacific to Australia, north to Philippines, on to China, Southeast Asia, India, through the Suez Canal, into the Mediterranean, and terminating in London. The ship docked at 55 ports in 27 countries. Map is here. 2018 World

In the last months of 2019, a second cruise will be taken from London, around northern Europe, west to Iceland and Greenland, then into Canada, south to Boston and NYC, through the Caribbean, then around South America, and finally terminating in Los Angeles. Twenty seven countries will be visited with 61 ports of call in 29 countries will be visited. Map is here. 2019 Treasures

The 11,000 pictures taken need sorting, grading, cropping, and some slight afjustments. The last dozen ports are a work in progress. The written textual description for each picture is slowly progressing.

We are two retired people, one a HR Benefits Analyst who has worked for several municipalities, and both small and large private companies including a highly successful startup in Silicon Valley. The other is an Electrical Engineer that has worked at large multi-national companies, military contractors, and small startups; however none were successful as I’m frequently reminded by my spouse.

This website is the personal blog of the registered domain owners. It is non-commercial; neither endorses nor opposes issues, is not affiliated with any organization or cause, and is devoid of social media links. No personally identifiable information is contained herein for personal privacy and security reasons. Friends and associates are already knowledgeable of how to contact us. When first setting up this site, a common mechanism for feedback was immediately filled with spam and links to attack sites. Dozens of attacks to the hosting software occur daily from persons living in states fostering bad activity.

Bart and Mia Majestic